Chloe + Corinne's House

A single girl living with her little dog, trying to navigate the world.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I actually used my office yesterday and today while doing my taxes (and subsequently realizing that something is probably wrong, so I have to go back and start allllllllll over again).  It made me realize a few things.  First, I need to paint that room.  Second, the daybed needs some modern updating.  Third, the desk still reeks despite months of "airing out" after living in a very damp basement.  It could also use some paint, but for now, it's going to be in its natural state.  I have to say though that I'm loving what Mrs. Limestone did with this old dresser-turned-sofa-table:

So many amazing ideas for this house and so little time!  One day it'll all get done, right?  RIGHT?!

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Saturday, March 5, 2011


I'm not sure if my kitchen cabinets have always been two different colors.  The house has been around for 20 years and just about every major appliance is the original, so it's highly possible that the cabinets are 100% original.  I could be wrong but.....

 With flash....

 Without flash......
Perfect shot of the two-tone look.....also, the light AND fan about the stove both do not work

Hard to believe there used to be a bigger light there.  I can't decide what I think about this one.

I mentioned in the last post the colors I'm leaning towards for the cabinets and counters, but any ideas for wall colors would be welcomed.  The wall with the stove will be painted, as well as the wall that overlooks the living room and the piece that juts out.

 Looking into the living room.  Hi kitties!

 More lovely cabinetry....

And this wall....but the clock will probably end up in the laundry room.

I initially was planning on painting the kitchen a bright orange-y color, but instead the living room ended up getting the brighter treatment.  I think once the dining table is finally cleared off, I might even show off pictures of that end of my kitchen!

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Bring it on

I'll admit.....I've been lazy.  Like, no projects in weeks LAZY.  I have no idea why I've gotten into a rut, but I'm going to blame it on the weather being cold and dreary and also getting out and about in Columbus a little bit more.  It seriously needs to warm up soon because I'd love to spend a few hours in the Short North checking out all the local shops and art galleries.  Short North Arts District in Columbus, Ohio.

I've settled on a couple projects that I definitely plan on completing in the coming months, with a personal deadline of June 30th (first vacation in close to 2 years starts July 1st!!!!).  We'll see how I do.  "I love the sound of deadlines whooshing past....." gets in my head whenever I mention deadlines.  Now if only I could remember what movie it's from......

Project Number One - Make the Office Pretty
I still need to paint the trim, since so far only one 10-inch section has been completed.  May tackle more of this tonight.  Maaaaaaybe even paint the walls, because the pink is just too "little girl/princess" for me.

Project Number Two - Operation Kitchen
I promise pictures of the two-tone kitchen cabinets tonight.  I also promise that those will be covered up, along with the counters, as soon as that tax refund hits the bank.....and I find a way to keep the cats off the counters (tips anyone?).  I'm considering using Rust-Oleum Cabinet Transformations in one of the white colors and Giani Granite Paint for Countertops in Bombay Black.  Rust-Oleum Countertop Transformations is also being considered, but I'm leery of that $250 price point.  I'm completely lost on the wall color though.  I'm leaning towards two accent walls (more on that when the pictures are up later tonight), and I really like the idea of red.  However, let's think for a second:

Red walls + white cabinets + black/gray counters + living in Columbus, OH = OSU KITCHEN!!!

 Sorry to a few family friends, but that will never happen in my house.

Confused about the OSU thing?  Columbus doesn't have a pro football or baseball team to go nuts (ha!) over, so instead they go crazy for the college football team, whose mascot really is a nut.  A few examples of the crazy lengths people go to in order to show their support:

Let's not forget that the busiest weekends for fall weddings are when the team is having a by-week or playing an away game.  Also, guess what colors are pretty darn popular for weddings out here?

One last thing....if you've visited my blog, how about a comment or two?  Pleeeeeease?  I'd love to get some ideas and opinions and helpful advice!

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